Avant la description, le fonctionnement général est à voir ici :
Le circuitA base d'atmega328 comme d'habitude.RésultatLe PCB : double face assez simple. Consommation : +12V = 25 mA ; -12V = 2 mA |
The circuitAtmega328 based as usual. ResultThe PCB: 2 simple layers. |
Le code est divisé en trois sections :
- main :
/* Trigger to Gate to Trigger V 0.1 : init V 0.2 : 2 leds per channel (TTG & mode) V 0.3 : EEPROM saving of presets V 0.4 : 2 more modes : random gate & bouncing ball V 0.5 : minor modifications + english translation V 0.6 : direct port manipulations instead of digitalRead and digitalWrite 2020 LC www.la-roue-tourne.fr/index.php/modulaire ------------------------------------------------------- D0: port D bit 0 D1: port D bit 1 D2: port D bit 2 IN 1 D3: port D bit 3 IN 2 D4: port D bit 4 OUT 1 D5: port D bit 5 OUT 2 D6: port D bit 6 SWITCH RANGE 1 D7: port D bit 7 SWITCH RANGE 2 D8: port B bit 0 Led 1 D9: port B bit 1 Led 2 D10: port B bit 2 Led 3 D11: port B bit 3 Led 4 D12: port B bit 4 BP1 with built-in debouncer D13: port B bit 5 BP2 with built-in debouncer A0: port C bit 0 POT 1 A1: port C bit 1 CV 1 A2: port C bit 2 POT 2 A3: port C bit 3 CV 2 A4: port C bit 4 A5: port C bit 5 */ // modes #define TTG 0 // trigger to gate with 2 sub modes #define GTT 1 // gate to trigger with 2 sub modes #define RND 2 // random ou bouncing with 2 sub modes /* set FIRST_RUN to true for the first time then set it to false as it is necessery to have a good EEPROM data set */ #define FIRST_RUN false // --------------------------------------------------- channels struct { unsigned long startTime; int potValue, jackValue; int mode, subMode; int upDuration; int nextBounce; int pinInput, pinOutput, pinRange, pinLED_mode, pinLED_subMode, pinPushButton; int range; int oldState, oldPushButton; boolean gateUp, bounceRunning; } channel[2]; // --------------------------------------------------- potentiometer & switch reading int potCounter; unsigned long potDate, buttonDate; // --------------------------------------------------- blinking LED (RND mode only) int stateLed; void setup() { int i; randomSeed(analogRead(A0) + analogRead(A2)); channel[0].pinInput = 2; channel[1].pinInput = 3; channel[0].pinOutput = 4; channel[1].pinOutput = 5; channel[0].pinRange = 6; channel[1].pinRange = 7; channel[0].pinLED_mode = 8; channel[1].pinLED_mode = 10; channel[0].pinLED_subMode = 9; channel[1].pinLED_subMode = 11; channel[0].pinPushButton = 12; channel[1].pinPushButton = 13; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { pinMode(channel[i].pinInput, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(channel[i].pinRange, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(channel[i].pinOutput, OUTPUT); pinMode(channel[i].pinLED_mode, OUTPUT); pinMode(channel[i].pinLED_subMode, OUTPUT); pinMode(channel[i].pinPushButton, INPUT_PULLUP); channel[i].bounceRunning = false; stateLed = 0; gateDown(i); } // before the 1st run, to have a good EEPROM data if (FIRST_RUN) { for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { channel[i].mode = 0; channel[i].subMode = 0; } saveEEPROM(); } else { loadEEPROM(); } initPot(); updateLED(); buttonDate = 0; } void loop() { unsigned long now = millis(); int state[2]; int i; // ----------------------------------------- gates state[0] = bitRead(PORTD, 2); state[1] = bitRead(PORTD, 3); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (state[i] != channel[i].oldState) { channel[i].oldState = state[i]; switch (channel[i].mode) { case TTG : if ((state == HIGH) && ((channel[i].subMode == 1) || (!channel[i].gateUp))) { gateUp(i, now); } break; case GTT : if (channel[i].subMode == 0) { if (state == HIGH) { gateUp(i, now); } } else { gateUp(i, now); } break; case RND : if (state == HIGH) { if (channel[i].subMode == 0) { if (random(2046) < channel[i].upDuration) { gateUp(i, now); } } else { if (!channel[i].bounceRunning) { channel[i].bounceRunning = true; gateUp(i, now); channel[i].nextBounce = channel[i].upDuration * 0.9; } } } break; } } } // ----------------------------------------- bounces & triggers' end for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (channel[i].mode != RND) { if (now - channel[i].startTime >= channel[i].upDuration) { gateDown(i); } } else { // ----------------------------- these are fixed triggers (30 ms) if (now - channel[i].startTime >= 30) { gateDown(i); } // ----------------------------- we are bouncing if (channel[i].bounceRunning) { if (now - channel[i].startTime >= channel[i].nextBounce) { gateUp(i, now); channel[i].nextBounce *= 0.9; if (channel[i].nextBounce < 30) { channel[i].bounceRunning = false; } } } } } // ----------------------------------------- switches & pots & LEDs if (now - potDate > 101) { potDate = now; stateLed = 1 - stateLed; updateLED(); potCounter ++; if (potCounter > 5) { potCounter = 0; } switch (potCounter) { case 0: channel[0].potValue = analogRead(A0); updateDuration(0); break; case 1: channel[0].jackValue = analogRead(A1); updateDuration(0); break; case 2: channel[1].potValue = analogRead(A2); updateDuration(1); break; case 3: channel[1].jackValue = analogRead(A3); updateDuration(1); break; case 4: channel[0].range = bitRead(PORTD, 6); updateDuration(0); break; case 5: channel[1].range = bitRead(PORTD, 7); updateDuration(1); break; } } // ----------------------------------------- push buttons if (now - buttonDate > 127) { buttonDate = now; state[0] = bitRead(PORTB, 4); state[1] = bitRead(PORTB, 5); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (state[i] != channel[i].oldPushButton) { channel[i].oldPushButton = state[i]; // the button is on if (state == HIGH) { channel[i].subMode ++; if (channel[i].subMode > 1) { channel[i].subMode = 0; channel[i].mode ++; if (channel[i].mode > 2) { channel[i].mode = 0; } } channel[i].bounceRunning = false; saveEEPROM(); } } } } }
- Gestion de l'EEPROM :
#include EEPROM.h /* * IMPORTANT : * * mode & subMode are INTs (2-byte long) * */ void saveEEPROM() { int adress = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { EEPROM.put(adress, channel[i].mode); adress += 2; EEPROM.put(adress, channel[i].subMode); adress += 2; } } void loadEEPROM() { int adress = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { EEPROM.get(adress, channel[i].mode); adress += 2; EEPROM.get(adress, channel[i].subMode); adress += 2; } }
- I/O :
void gateUp(int numGate, unsigned long dateGateUp) { if (numGate == 0) { bitSet(PORTD, 4); } else { bitSet(PORTD, 5); } channel[numGate].gateUp = true; channel[numGate].startTime = dateGateUp; } void gateDown(int numGate) { if (numGate == 0) { bitClear(PORTD, 4); } else { bitClear(PORTD, 5); } channel[numGate].gateUp = false; } /* * 1st pot and switches reading. * Done once, so no need of direct port access */ void initPot() { potCounter = 0; potDate = millis(); channel[0].potValue = analogRead(A0); channel[0].jackValue = analogRead(A1); channel[1].potValue = analogRead(A2); channel[1].jackValue = analogRead(A3); channel[0].range = digitalRead(channel[0].pinRange); channel[1].range = digitalRead(channel[1].pinRange); updateDuration(0); updateDuration(1); } void updateDuration(int channelNumber) { int duration; duration = channel[channelNumber].potValue + (511 - channel[channelNumber].jackValue) * 2; // -1024 to 2046 if (duration < 1) { duration = 1; // 1 to 2046 ms } if (channel[channelNumber].mode == RND) { // RND : from 0 to 2046 channel[channelNumber].upDuration = duration; // for random & bounce } else { // other modes : adapting depends on the range (short/long) if (channel[channelNumber].range) { duration = duration << 2; // x4 depending on the range : 4 ms to 8174 ms } if (channel[channelNumber].mode == TTG) { channel[channelNumber].upDuration = duration; // gates : 0 to 2 s or 0 to 8 s } else { channel[channelNumber].upDuration = duration >> 4; // trigger : 0 to 128 ms or 0 to 512 ms } } } void updateLED() { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (channel[i].mode == RND) { digitalWrite(channel[i].pinLED_mode, stateLed); } else { digitalWrite(channel[i].pinLED_mode, channel[i].mode); } digitalWrite(channel[i].pinLED_subMode, channel[i].subMode); } }
- Clics : 1701